Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My little pixie

We went to the Renaissance Festival this weekend. It's the second time we've taken E. She really had fun this year. She got to ride a pony and got her face painted. 

 Adorable! This shot is a major success for me, despite the fact it's a little overexposed. Getting direct eye contact AND a smile from this girl? Rare.
 One of my favorite shots, for Sweet Shot Tuesday:
 And after a fun day of fairy watching, pony riding, junk food eating, people watching, this is the result:
Eric was a real trooper carrying around this 26.5 pound backpack most of the day. :)


  1. These are beautiful shots... love that second one and the last one is my very favorite.

  2. Soooo PRECIOUS! What a little angel! Love her beautiful smile, and she looks so pretty with the face painting - I love it!

    About my lens... I was using my 24-70, and no... I don't have a wide angle. WAHHHHH! I'm really into that look lately; like a TRUE wide angle, but I can NOT buy any more lenses - LOL! Maybe I'll have to try the cut and paste panoramic method - LOL!

    Gorgeous shots as always of your beautiful girl!
