Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rainy daze

We've had a lot of rain here lately, which I love. We enjoy sitting in this window seat in our guest room, watching the rain.

 I scored these butterfly wings from the dollar bin at Target!! No, they aren't the prettiest wings.. eventually I'll get her some nicer ones. But they gave me a nice photo op :)

 AND, she really enjoyed wearing them. Too bad it was too wet to fly.
 My favorite for Sweet Shot Tuesday. The last Sweet Shot Tuesday for a while. I'm sad about that, but excited about the 31 days project!

 All the rain has made a ton of mushrooms pop up. They are everywhere, like little towns. All different types. I love to see them. I might have gotten some funny looks laying on the ground to take a photo of them though.

Thanks for popping by! Hope you are having a good week so far!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beach days

So we took a little beach vacay. We went to the Outer Banks, which was lovely. Had a wonderful week of warm weather. What a nice way to wrap up the summer.
Kite flying:

Although I prefer sunsets, sunrises are nice too. They just happen too early for me.

My father in law fishing:


I spent many an afternoon here:

 I've wanted to try a jumping photo for a while. I set the settings up on the camera and had my dad hit the shutter. We got a few good ones. This one is one of my favorites.

 She was so proud of herself because she could turn the water off and on by herself. She really enjoyed washing off her hands and feet after some time in the sand.


 Clothes pin bokeh. What is it about things arranged in a line like this? I always have to photograph them.
 Would you believe this is the first time I've seen a sea star washed ashore? This, despite growing up in Florida. I thought it was dead, but it was indeed alive. We tossed it back.

 Definitely her daddy's girl, she loves a good cheeseburger.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My little pixie

We went to the Renaissance Festival this weekend. It's the second time we've taken E. She really had fun this year. She got to ride a pony and got her face painted. 

 Adorable! This shot is a major success for me, despite the fact it's a little overexposed. Getting direct eye contact AND a smile from this girl? Rare.
 One of my favorite shots, for Sweet Shot Tuesday:
 And after a fun day of fairy watching, pony riding, junk food eating, people watching, this is the result:
Eric was a real trooper carrying around this 26.5 pound backpack most of the day. :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Survived Irene

Well, we survived the hurricane. Our yard is a disaster but otherwise we are unscathed. We even have power, which is more than I can say for many people in the area. 

I am just so thankful it's over. What an ordeal.

My favorite shot for Sweet Shot Tuesday. I took this one yesterday. It's a new week! Happy Tuesday.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My sweet girl resting on my bed this morning. Guess she wasn't quite ready to start the day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My favorite from this week.

My favorite photo from taken this week for Sweet Shot Tuesday.
I just love those eyelashes. 
Happy Tuesday:)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Well, hello

So I've taken a few weeks off. We did a little traveling, which was lovely, and now we are back. It's still hot here and, for more fun, outside it's very hazy and smoky due to some swamp fires which are burning in NC. Swamp smoke. Lovely.

But we did venture out into the backyard for a bit and mostly managed to avoid the mosquitos.

 Lovely "housekeh", right? This is a word that spell check does not recognize, possibly because it isn't actually a real word.

 Seems that lately I have many pictures like this:
She tends to turn and run as soon as she sees the camera coming her way. I am running out of creative ways to get her to look at me..

 Everyone loves these curls though. It is probably what she gets complimented on the most. Although I know how difficult they will be for her later. Probably best if she does not live in a humid environment.
 Played a bit of hide-and-seek (she cheats!):
 Ready or not, here I come!!

Also, my photo was featured on Mortal Muses today. Love it when that happens. I am in the "life in black and white" photo pool featured photo as well as in the mosaic on the front page (the Chucks). 

TGIF! Have a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can't believe it's August already!

The summer is flying by. Hopefully that means fall is on the way??

Enjoy your Tuesday!

Friday, July 29, 2011

New dress

Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen. 
It's a pillow case dress I found on etsy. This was the last one she had in stock, and it just happened to be the right size. Lucky me!

Sometimes I really, really love having a little girl.


And, a rare photo of me (taken by my husband). I got my hair done! Yay! This is probably the last time we'll see it worn down until October.

Mortal Muses Life in B&W: best friends by 2 peas and a blueberry

Mortal Muses Life in B&W: best friends by 2 peas and a blueberry: "daily selection by mosey"

My photo featured on Mortal Muses. I love it when they select an image of mine. It is such an honor, and means a lot to me.

I think one thing I need to work on (inspired by the muses) is my writing. I very rarely post descriptions of photos. I need to start trying to do that.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday again.

I took several photos I liked this week. But here is one I took just today for Sweet Shot Tuesday. We're working on learning to use scissors. She definitely doesn't have it mastered yet but we'll keep trying!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Got a new bubble blower today and it's a big hit because E can blow bubbles by herself (or as she says "My turn!").

 Bubble and baby bokeh!

So if you need us, you'll probably find us blowing bubbles in the backyard. If we don't melt. Which we may.